Les graisseurs à trémie – genre LUB – sont destinés à un montage affleuré ou noyé.
Nos graisseurs à trémie DIN sont en acier trempé, passivé brillant avec un filetage cylindrique.
UMETA propose de même ces graisseurs à trémie avec d’autres formes de tige, en version coudée, autotaraudants ou à chasser.
De nombreuses références sont aussi disponibles en laiton et inox A2 ou A4.
Sur demande, nous fabriquons les graisseurs à trémie dans d’autres versions telles que:
Le graissage des graisseurs à trémie se fait avec un rigide UMETA, ou une pompe à pousser UMETA avec un embout pointu, aiguille ou combiné.
droits, forme A - 180°
coudés, forme B - 45°
coudés, forme C - 90°
droits, forme A - 180°
droits, forme A - 180°
coudés, forme B - 45°
coudés, forme C - 90°
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– L’assurance vie de vos machines et équipements
Il est vital d’éviter tout faux graissage pendant la maintenance de vos installations industrielles!
Qu’est-ce qu’un graissage fictif?
En service continu, on constate souvent l’usure du piston ou du cylindre de la pompe à graisse. L’abrasion provoque, même à basse pression, un retour de la graisse dans le corps de pompe sans que l’utilisateur le note. Même en forçant la graisse n’est pas transportée jusqu’au point de graissage.
Pour éviter tout risque pour vos machines, nous avons développé le système UMETA TWIN-LOCK. Il protège le piston de précision de l’usure grâce à deux éléments d’étanchéité spéciaux. Leur emplacement empêche toute bavure et fuite de graisse au niveau du piston. Les joints ont été conçus pour s’adapter à la pression exercée at assurer ainsi une étanchéité permanente.
Le système EVER-FLOW inventé par UMETA assure le fonctionnement parfait de la pompe mêmes aux températures les plus basses et avec de la graisse visqueuse.
Ce système est idéal aussi pour les graisses épaisses biodégradables grâce au vide produit par le mouvement de pompage – un probléme qui mène beaucoup de produits concurrents à l’échec.
Technische Umsetzung by ByteCrafter | S.Faust
Flush-type grease nipples are particularly suitable for installations where extending or protruding nipples cannot be used.
In general, our flush-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a cylindrical thread. Of course, our flush-type nipples are also available in different angle versions, with a self-forming thread, or as drive-in type. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel V2A/V4A.
Upon request, UMETA manufactures flush-type grease nipples in further versions, with respect to e. g.
Flush-type nipples are only suitable for press-greasing by means of a UMETA extension tube or a UMETA push-type grease gun with pointed, pin-pointed, or combi-nozzle.
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
straight version A - 180°
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
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Flush-type grease nipples are particularly suitable for installations where extending or protruding nipples cannot be used.
In general, our flush-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a cylindrical thread. Of course, our flush-type nipples are also available in different angle versions, with a self-forming thread, or as drive-in type. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel V2A/V4A.
Upon request, UMETA manufactures flush-type grease nipples in further versions, with respect to e. g.
Flush-type nipples are only suitable for press-greasing by means of a UMETA extension tube or a UMETA push-type grease gun with pointed, pin-pointed, or combi-nozzle.
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
straight version A - 180°
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
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Flush-type grease nipples are particularly suitable for installations where extending or protruding nipples cannot be used.
In general, our flush-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a cylindrical thread. Of course, our flush-type nipples are also available in different angle versions, with a self-forming thread, or as drive-in type. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel V2A/V4A.
Upon request, UMETA manufactures flush-type grease nipples in further versions, with respect to e. g.
Flush-type nipples are only suitable for press-greasing by means of a UMETA extension tube or a UMETA push-type grease gun with pointed, pin-pointed, or combi-nozzle.
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
straight version A - 180°
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
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Flush-type grease nipples are particularly suitable for installations where extending or protruding nipples cannot be used.
In general, our flush-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a cylindrical thread. Of course, our flush-type nipples are also available in different angle versions, with a self-forming thread, or as drive-in type. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel V2A/V4A.
Upon request, UMETA manufactures flush-type grease nipples in further versions, with respect to e. g.
Flush-type nipples are only suitable for press-greasing by means of a UMETA extension tube or a UMETA push-type grease gun with pointed, pin-pointed, or combi-nozzle.
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
straight version A - 180°
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
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Flush-type grease nipples are particularly suitable for installations where extending or protruding nipples cannot be used.
In general, our flush-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a cylindrical thread. Of course, our flush-type nipples are also available in different angle versions, with a self-forming thread, or as drive-in type. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel V2A/V4A.
Upon request, UMETA manufactures flush-type grease nipples in further versions, with respect to e. g.
Flush-type nipples are only suitable for press-greasing by means of a UMETA extension tube or a UMETA push-type grease gun with pointed, pin-pointed, or combi-nozzle.
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
straight version A - 180°
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
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Flush-type grease nipples are particularly suitable for installations where extending or protruding nipples cannot be used.
In general, our flush-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a cylindrical thread. Of course, our flush-type nipples are also available in different angle versions, with a self-forming thread, or as drive-in type. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel V2A/V4A.
Upon request, UMETA manufactures flush-type grease nipples in further versions, with respect to e. g.
Flush-type nipples are only suitable for press-greasing by means of a UMETA extension tube or a UMETA push-type grease gun with pointed, pin-pointed, or combi-nozzle.
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
straight version A - 180°
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
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Flush-type grease nipples are particularly suitable for installations where extending or protruding nipples cannot be used.
In general, our flush-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a cylindrical thread. Of course, our flush-type nipples are also available in different angle versions, with a self-forming thread, or as drive-in type. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel V2A/V4A.
Upon request, UMETA manufactures flush-type grease nipples in further versions, with respect to e. g.
Flush-type nipples are only suitable for press-greasing by means of a UMETA extension tube or a UMETA push-type grease gun with pointed, pin-pointed, or combi-nozzle.
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
straight version A - 180°
straight version A - 180°
angled version B - 45°
angled version C - 90°
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